Friday, 10 August 2012


Femininity at it’s purest
Carry yourself “correctly”
Be what we want you to be
Suffer under patriarchy
Have your opinion but risk not being counted
Make your decision.

Grow up, why don’t you?
Mould the future
Next gen.
We’re relying on you.
But you’re oh so disappointing.
All of you.
Our fate is in your hands.
“hoodlums” v “intellects”
Make your decision.

Mixed race
Black or white?
White or black?
What ARE you?
Do you have an identity?
Embrace yourself
“best of both worlds”... are you sure? (what about my world?)
Make your decision.

My decision is... human. Now leave me alone. 

Thursday, 12 July 2012


I am guilty.

I haven’t been selfish enough. I have given too much, loved too hard, cared excessively and I have forgotten about myself. As females, we are socialised to be caregivers, to put others first before ourselves and provide support to others in any way we can. Some females have already figured out that sometimes we have to be selfish, and most of the time, it is okay to be selfish. I am on my way to not only acknowledging this, but living it.

People assume that being selfish is a bad thing. If someone is to call me selfish, my first thought is that I am offended. Why? What is so wrong about putting my own needs first? Absolutely nothing. I am my only constant in life, I am the basis of everything in my world. If there is a problem with me, there is a problem with everything else in my life because, no matter how hard I try, my own problems cannot be solved by caring for someone else as a way to ignore and “cope” with the original issue.

If I have security and love within myself, I do not need to seek acceptance from others, I understand the importance of my own needs and wants. I value my own feelings. I place myself above everyone else. Caring for me first does not mean caring less for everyone else in my life, and this is something I struggle with. Damn socialisation, I didn’t ask for this.

Everything begins with me. Learning to love myself is a daily challenge, but one which I have entered wholeheartedly. It is so much harder to accept my actions, thoughts, choices and characteristics than it is to accept my physical appearance, because for so long I haven’t been thinking of myself first. Maybe I have been a coward and have purposely done this to avoid truly loving myself. Do I fear myself? Do I fear the person I will become if I truly love myself? Do I fear the person I will become WHEN I truly love myself and I place myself above others in my life?

It often takes a huge wake up call, a slap in the face, so to speak, to fully recognise where you are going wrong in life and although mine came from an unexpected and unwanted situation, I am so grateful. I know that for those reading this, this seems so personal, but I know that I am not the only female who is on this journey.

I lost myself in ignorance. Did I ever HAVE ‘myself’? That is the question I should be asking. My progress is astounding and for the first time, I am honestly proud of myself. I know that I am a beautiful person, but loving myself needs to extend beyond this, I need to feel confident in my abilities, in my love and in my own stability. Only then will I be able to apply myself fully and recognise the importance of me...because I am everything.

Sunday, 11 March 2012

I am a young woman in a big world, with dreams and ambitions. I said I didn’t want to be a cliché. Can you hear me yet?

We are evolution; don’t disturb my peace.

I can only provide insight into things that I know and considering the immeasurable ‘all’, I know very little. I can make you question however, everything that is visible. That is the power of me, you and everyone around us.

I live in the present because this is the only place that I exist in the physical. My mind and soul may venture into unknown possibilities of the neighbouring past and future from time to time, but reality says I am a figure in the present. Don’t forget to live. I cannot fathom the concept of living in the future, because this is all I know. I shouldn’t need to elaborate. Granted, my now decisions will impact my future but if I live right and think right now, my future will form itself and I shall live in it when the time comes.

I’m far too busy living to cry about the unknown.

I am a realist/optimist/opportunist/everythingist neatly sewn into one soul. I believe my success is measured by my self-fulfilment, which comes from reaching any goals that I set out for myself. Money doesn’t make me feel successful; it merely allows me to live in this capitalist society under pressure. Money is a thing. I am a mind and soul trying to be. If greed is what drives you, your want to live happily will never be fulfilled because your want to for more will always outweigh it. Distortion and dilution victimise our generation. Don’t stunt your own growth by following a path already set out for you, because that path will only lead you to your beginning, with no enlightenment.

Who said I was right? These are my thoughts and you are welcome to them, don’t dispute them ‘cause my soul isn’t interested. Understand growth before you judge it and abuse it. Appreciate now because it is yours to claim. Not everything has a price and you should appreciate the things that don’t.

This is me now, not yesterday or tomorrow.