Wednesday, 16 July 2014


W - We are what we are. Whipped into shape and worn down. Wilted, but strong-willed, and we continue on our journeys, unmindful of our own struggles because we don't have time for sympathy. We are women.

O - One. We all are. Too much to get over and yet only we know, only we acknowledge our history and our present. And they all look on at us - the mothers, sisters, daughters and friends. They look on at our ways of life and they cast their eyes and judgements all at once, the blame game.

M - Man. We don't despise you, for you are part of us. What we want more than anything is for you to drink from our womanhood, our very essence, absorb it with your minds and love it. Us. Understand our meaning and our minds and make yourselves at home in our motherland.

A - And yes we all are, active. Autonomous, an entity of our own, not seeking validation or approval. Moving with the ages and with grace, we assert ourselves now. Act upon our desires, and aspire to be... more than you ever hoped we would.

N - No more of this. Not another word. Know that we dont care for your nonsense anymore because know exactly who and what we are. We are women. One. Woman.

(I performed this piece in May at my friend's event called The Scratch Night, in Birmingham. Check their blog out too

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